This branch of Brichetto Cattle Company is all in part and made happen by the amazing family LeeAna and myself have and the incredible team of professionals and great friends that I will list below. These individuals have made the possibility of AI, breeding, building embryos, the use of recipient cows, a vet who is at our finger tips, family and husbands who have endless patients, and to the hard working kiddos who put in the time to help us get these calves halter broke and gentle. It takes each and everyone of these team members to make our program go round and we want to acknowledge them and thank them.
Emma Brichetto & siblings - halter breaking & gentling
John, Jackie, John Michael, & Joe Brichetto - for letting us follow our passion
Mr. Gary Osmundson - recip cows & repro guide
Dr. Jacob Roach DVS - veterinarian services
Dr. Lori & Douglas Lenihan Lander Vet - repro & embryo building
Scott JLG Enterprises - collection services